라벨이 PostPunk인 게시물 표시

Wire - "Cactused", "Primed & Ready" (from the album "Mind Hive", 2020)

Echo Tail - "Spirit Me Away", "Curse" (From the album "Et tu, Yurei?", 2017)

The Cult - "Sun King", "Edie (Ciao Baby)" (From the album "Sonic Temple", 1989)

Preoccupations - "Disarray", "Antidote" (From the Album "New Material", March 23, 2018)

Algiers - "The Underside of Power" (From the Album "The Underside of Power", 2017)

Model Slaves - "The Giants" (From Single, "The Giants", 2016)

"Threat of Joy" - The Strokes (Single From the EP Album "Future Present Past", 2016)

"Transgender Dysphoria Blues", ​"True Trans Soul Rebel" - Against Me! (Antiquiet Sessions)

"Sunny Afternoon" - Josefin Öhrn + The Liberation